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Education Area

Kids Clubs

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Kids Clubs are socio-educational centres of daily assistance, which promote and protect the rights of children and adolescents. Their aim is to promote and implement actions that foster the development of critical thinking of children and their families, incorporating the gender perspective, to improve their quality of life and social interaction.


Kids Clubs are proposals for expanding teaching time, since they incorporate new educational content in the work spaces. They complement children´s formal education and extend child care time. They offer workshops on plastic expression, orchard, cooking, circus, corporal expression, recreation and school support, on a weekly basis.

Touth Centre


Youth Centres promote the comprehensive development of adolescents, creating spaces for socialization, recreation, educational support, training and integration in the labour market. Different training and recreational activities are developed aimed at promoting comprehensive health, reinsertion and permanence in the formal educational system, as well as training for job development.


Their purpose is to generate an educational proposal that enables meeting spaces between adolescents which promote the exercise and enjoyment of their rights, together with their families and the community.


Basic Vocational Training (“FPB”)


The Youth Centre has a Basic Vocational Training (“FPB”) plan in agreement with “UTU” (Uruguayan Labour University) and “INAU” (Institute for Children and Adolescents of Uruguay). It is an educational proposal with a vocational training component, aimed at adolescents.


This plan offers students the possibility to take and accredit the Basic Secondary Education together with vocational training as technicians in the chosen field. The plan intends to promote the relationship between education and work, integrating the subjects that are part of the Basic Secondary Education, with an important number of practical hours of the specific FPB program chosen by the student.


It is part of an agreement with the public education system, allowing students who complete this plan to continue their high school studies both at UTU or at a high school.


Paprika´s purpose is to promote participation, socio-educational inclusion and the development of adaptive skills of adolescents and young people with disabilities who live in the Casavalle basin, through an educational and socialization space which contributes to their autonomy processes so as to enhance the exercise of their rights through coordination with their families and the community.


In this sense, the intention is that young people gain basic knowledge and social skills that allow access to broader socio-cultural resources which contribute to their autonomy processes. Thus, problematization and reflection on different issues related to gender, diversity, sexuality, environmental care, etc. are encouraged.


The proposal is opened two days a week in the form of workshops: gastronomy, orchard, socio-educational space, among others, aiming at the involvement of families, providing advice and support in relation to the exercise of their rights and social integration.

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